Edge Of Tomorrow (Contains Spoilers)


Disastrous , thats the word i’d use to describe this movie .. I tried to enjoy it but it was almost close to impossible. I can pretty much watch any movie, no matter how shitty it is and still come out liking it  but not this time. To start with , I think Tom Cruise is pretty old now and his career is over. He is just delaying the inevitable and taking whatever shitty movies he can get now . The storyline was pretty unique so can’t even blame the directors, as it was alot of pressure and they must have tried their best? Or not . Basically this guy who is scared of blood gets sent to the frontline against his wishes, and there is a race who invaded Earth (only been told that they are called mimics and around 40 mins in , they show us what a mimic looks like ) Very little information on this race of aliens given in the movie. And obviously Earth is so technologically backwards that it can’t stand up against the aliens, so it has been shown that they work as a hive mind , duhhhh! So all the humans have to do is kill the queen bee of this alien race and they win, TA DA! . Oh and i forgot to mention that this alien can turn back time (LOL) , so anytime one of its main commanders die the alien being resets the day (LOLOL WTF) , and by killing a commander the ability to reset time gets shifted on to Tom Cruise and then the female lead is the only one who believes Tom Cruise about this because apparently this happened to her too and she lost the ability to reset time (so she tells him how she lost the ability and warns her not to be a dumb twat and lose the ability like she did but duh he loses it which could easily have been avoided ) . And then when he doesn’t have the “resetting the day ” ability anymore, they get 1 last chance to destroy the alien aaaand BOOM , the alien is dead.  I recommend skipping this movie but if you really want to watch it then download it through a torrent (No don’t fucking buy a Dvd.. don’t even spend 1 buck on this lame ass , piece of shit movie)
